Dr. Saffran is the world's Worst, The SLOPPYEST 'surgeon' on God's green earth. He butchered my foot. I Said, HE . BUTCHERED . MY . FOOT!!! What should have been a simple operation (he said, "he's done Hundreds"- with an 'S'. That's "Hundreds" with an 's'! -wink-) turned out to be, and has been an ENDLESS NIGHTMARE going on 2 years now. ... And to add insult to INJURY the Incompetent Clown wants to insist he did a good job!? ... I will tell you this, Dr. Saffran is first and foremost a 'shameless politician', much more so than an actual competent doctor or skillful surgeon as one would expect. DON'T GET FOOLED! .. GOOD LUCK if you get tangled into his web; after he takes his scalpel to you it'll be Too Late. Then months later, he'll be 'GLAD' to tell you (with a grin on his face) that's your problem not his. And That's EXACTLY what you'll be dealing with, good ole 'doctor' Barry Saffran. ... if I can help warn at least one innocent 'unsuspecting' soul of avoiding such a miserable PAINFUL fate such as that, then this comment was well worth it.