COMPLIANCE MADE EASY Over the years, we found that our philosophy of making compliance as “easy as possible” for the motor carrier worked so well that we extended it to every area of our business model. Now, SafetyNet has made it possible to start-up or operate a trucking company with just one phone call. SafetyNet has the personnel and expertise to handle every aspect of your trucking venture. Whether you want to operate in Mexico, the United States or Canada, SafetyNet offers a turn-key solution for all of your trucking needs. • Establish your Corporation or LLC; • Obtain all Operating Authority, Permits and Vehicle Registrations; • Obtain affordable Insurance coverage; • Establish and maintain your Safety Program; • Hire, Qualify, and Train your drivers; • Administer required DOT Drug and Alcohol tests; • Audit Log Books; • CSA Compliance guidance; • File all required reports including DOT, TxDMV, IRS, IRP and IFTA; • Obtain C-TPAT Certification and Represent you during C-TPAT Validations; • Represent you at IRS, IRP and IFTA audits; and • Represent you at all DOT safety audits and compliance reviews; Whatever your trucking problem, SafetyNet can help you solve it fast. Please give us a call and see how easy it is.