I will have to be completely honest. I am so upset with Sadler that I have to feel it neccessary to write a review. I do have to say everytime that I had spoken with Sadler, they have been very nice. However, words don't justify their lazy actions. \r
The WORST thing about them is that you must SPLIT UTILITIES w/all units in your building. Make sure to pay close attention to that when you sign your contract! Our recent bill was $280 for gas, water, and trash. That is absurb when living in a small unit that's is like 900 feet! Especially since we have had an extremely warm winter! It does not matter though if you are efficient, bc you will still be splitting your bills, even though this could be easily solved.\r
We have had critters (this website won't let me say m$ce) and the first time we mentioned it to them, all they gave us was sticky pads. That did not work. Many mornings we would come out and find m$ce doo all over the counter. When we called the second time, we were told somebody would come over to handle. After a week of nobody coming over, I had left a message that we have not heard anything. 5 days later did finally somebody call. That just shows how prompt they are.\r
We have told them about other issues and we have not had anybody come over and address these problems. \r
We have cold water (they did attempt their first time, but I've called them to let them know water is still cold, and nothing has been done).\r
Our room is 20 degrees colder at night during the cold season. Even w/baseboard heating, the windows are sealed so poorly that many nights we were shivering in bed even though the heat was on at 70 degrees.\r
When we first moved there, one of our window screens was broken. Maintanence grabbed it to repair, but never came back. This was 8 months ago.\r
They don't care about putting sod in the yard. It is nothing but dirt out there, and it looks really crappy. Which is not good when you have a dog that can drag in dirt and mud into the house, ruining the carpets and our furniture.\r
There is a nasty tree outside that I had never seen in my life before until we moved here. The branches grows really spiky, sharp as needle, thorns which fall on the ground. Trust me, it is NOT GOOD. Many times we have been stabbed THROUGH our shoes when stepping there, and our dog often comes into the house limping. It is a saftey hazard and I cannot imagine what it would be like if we had kids. I've addressed this to Sadler and was adviced that they will handle, possibly cut down the tree. Nobody has yet to come out.\r
Also, as for the trash. It is one of those large bins. However, if you have other people that dont live in the units, and they overfill the bin, YOU have to pay for it!! This happened with a futon.\r
Also, in one of the units, this upcoming lease, they are charging an extra $200 a month.\r
Also, the person that left a comment below had mentioned fire saftey and fire estingishers? Wow, I didn't even know there was a strict fire code because we DONT HAVE any fire saftey devises.\r
Hope all what you read is enough to find a different rental company, there are so many in Boulder.
Pros: location
Cons: see below...