If You Are Not Satisfied With The Job, and I Can't Make You Happy, The Labor Is Free.
Our dedication is to lasting quality construction. Our Mission: Helping People Age Safely In Their Homes through Effective Remodeling, Universal Design and Comprehensive Property Maintenance ServicesSpecializing in remodeling to create your dreams while planning ahead to allow you to age in place for many years to come; let us "assist you" through universal design concepts. No job too small, we are always here to help.We are a small family business, yet diversified enough to take care of all of your building and maintenance needs. You need to enjoy your life today and build your dreams... but as you remodel we can help you plan for the days when living in your home becomes a challenge. Free advice on how to prepare for when you may not be able to climb stairs....you may need stability in the shower...you may need to maneuver a wheel chair.Now is the time to think about these things before someone else is doing the thinking for you. And if you are already at the point of needing to make changes we are also here to help. Emergencies are always at the top of the list. Call me anytime with your questions.Steve GayneNo Job Too Small, Always Done Right, Professional, Courteous, and GuaranteedI care and am always on the job.