I had a elk at 401 lbs hanging weight I also ordered 20 lbs of jerky 10 peppered and 10 rustys blend I only reccived the peppered and only 190 lbs of meat which most of it was ground. I have tried to call rusty several times and only get a voicemail I've left several messages and nobody has returned my phone calls. He hand told me it was going to take two to three weeks to get the processing done after 5 weeks of not hearing anything I tried callinng and only got his voicemail on week 6 I received I called again and finally got ahold of rusty he said he would bring my meet to Phoenix .when I got it home and started going through every thing I found mostly burger and seen I was missing jerky so I called and no answer. You would figure for $600 you would get all of your meat and not be scamed .l plan in contacting game and fish and letting them deal with it !!!