Drs. Patrick & Janet Ruopp have been practicing in Cape Girardeau for over 35 years. The office has actually been in the same location for over 64 years and was established by Dr. Janet's father, Dr. Del Brunton. Both Dr. Pat & Dr. Jan grew up right here in Cape Girardeau and attended SEMO University for their undergraduate work before completing dental school at UMKC School of Dentisry. With over 200 years of combined dental experience, our office provides quality, affordable dental care from a knowledgeable and friendly team.
You can expect quality, cutting edge technology and procedures in a welcoming, friendly atmosphere. We offer low radiation digital xrays, soft tissue laser treatment, cutting edge cavity detection and cancer screening technology, GUARANTEED Whitening services, Invisible Braces, Lumineers, natural looking crowns & cosmetic restorations, tooth replacement including surgical implant restoration as well as all the traditional dental services you expect from your dental team.