This place was great for so many years but please be warned. They are now systematically cheating customers by filling the bottom of your bag with bad, soggy, horrid crabs and counting on the fact that you are unlikely to open the bag until you reach your destination. I gave them 3 opportunities to get it right but each time they pulled the same trick. When I complained they told me that I need to inspect the entire bag before I leave their establishment. If you are a crab lover, you know that you keep the bag tight to keep the crabs hot. They count on that. I recently bought a half dozen crabs at a cost of about $3.50 each. There were only two edible crabs in the bag. They carefully place a good crab on top to discourage you from going all the way to the bottom. Please, make sure that you get what you pay for and hopefully Ruff N Ready will someday return to the quality institution that it once was.