I took my pet cat that was not feeling well over for Dr Long to see and exam. She made up a list of cost for all the test and treatment , one of the test was checking for disease, the other was medication, and for her to have my pet neutered, I said no thanks to the neutering of my pet at the cost of just under $350.00,and I ageed on the charge of $146.00 a oral antibiotic, I was charged for a test $35.00, and I was told by Dr Yong that I would be contacted as soon as the test results returned. I paid Dr Long $35.00 to call me and to tell me the results of the test if Nagative or Possitive, No phone call or any messages were not recieved. I finally called the Roxford Veterinary Clinic, Dr Long claimed that she did not know of the test results, or that she could not find out any information on it. I was not offered a refund of my $35.00 plus I did not recieve a 10 % off discount refund from my total charge either. I am not pleased with this Veterinary Clinic service charges, I fill ripped off of not recieving all I paid for. My Cat did get well after daily med treatments theo, but I did not find out any results from the test done..