If you enjoy being smacked upside the head by flamboyant, over-the-top, opinionated (opinions good - rudeness bad) jacka$$es, this is the place for you. I got a very thorough exam followed by an exhausting encounter to select frames with the ""help"" of a very unattractive, rude man (PS: I hate your frames too). I came back another day and targeted the help of a normal-looking female who was very kind, NORMAL, professional and helpful. Unfortunately, yet another blowhard guy stopped helping the client he was working with to interject how ""horrendous"" (etc etc) the frames I selected were. He virtually tried to take over his female co-worker's job as she was mid-sentence helping me (and doing a fine job). Even after I told him to turn around (literally) and deal with his own customer, he pressed on. He was RUDE and mean. And if he's reading this I'd love to tell him how HIDEOUS his frames look on him too. The greasy, stringy locks he sports upside his pasty skin don't help. Yes: I am being mean mostly to show what you might expect to RECEIVE from him. I will never go back to Ross. Life is hard enough - when plunking down $1,000 on frames & lenses I expect to be treated with some level of courtesy & dignity. I left there angry and shaking. That flamboyant (that's putting it mildly) BS might work on a segment of their customers but wonder how many patients have never returned due to it? I sure won't go back.
Pros: Doc was thorough, nice, informative - can't rank higher due to staff
Cons: Snarky, rude eyeglass people (2 guys) ... the woman on duty was great