The Roseville Bingo Hall is a great place to find your life mentor and role model. The leathery faced women are full of encouragement and passion as they relay a lifetime of advice while stabbing at their cards with an astounding variety of colored ink pens. Beware of the toothless broad who refuses to wear a bra. She may or may not be looking for some bronto. She may seem innocent and welcoming at first as she gazes lustfully across the pages of used bingo cards. However, experience has shown that there is much more than a casual backroom adventure to be had with this one. This has been one of the most influential dates in my relationship with my girlfriend. We were inspired to purchase the bingo uniform for our next visit. The zip hoodies, hair bands, pink lipstick, and large plastic glasses frames were ideal for the intense mashing of bingo pens on paper. In all of my years of bingo playing I have never had such a great time. Although several of the lights on the board were burned out, the tables were heavily soiled with old paint marks and soda stains, and the bingo callers more closely resembled aerobic instructors from 1987, these imperfections only added to the prestige and feeling of sentiment that can only be achieved in a hall where such legendary bingo players as Darlene Buchovick and Betty Morlone had their start. Only a few minutes after I stepped through the front door I could feel the weight of greatness. I transcended into a higher level of existence. \r
A few tips:\r
- Don't go if you have trouble walking through a gentle haze of cigarette smoke rivaling Beijing in the late afternoon \r
-Purchase your own paint pens or be subject to owing your attractive tablemate an adventure of their choice\r
-Arrive a few minutes early as there is a serious bingo protocol that will be enforced by experienced aficianados\r
-Remember to keep your voice down as to not attract too much attention-you never know where the toothless/braless broad may appear
Pros: Pristine Squid Beaks for Sale and Trade, Parking-especially for the pontiac bonnelville and buick variety,
Cons: Not many-maybe the flourescent lighting?