I have a work injury a 25+ foot motor home rolled backward off a lift when my coworkers and I where trying to push it on the lift. I did not get out of the way fast enough the motor home jackknifed my low back. It blew out 2 disk and mushroomed 3 vertebra. My surgeon Dr. Lora Anderson was able to put my back together again. She was not able to repair the nerve damage.
Under Dr. McCrory care I was able to get some relief from my nerve damage with pain injections and strong pain pills. It was not until Oct. 2010 that he used a new therapy called EWOT Oxygen therapy that I got the best relief of all I started to feel relief after only 3 weeks at the 12 week mark he started lowering my pain medications. I am now taking very few pain pills and pain patch, I never felt better. This is not a cure I still have a broken back and nerve damage. I am able to cope with pain easier now.