Rose Court Farms was re-established as a business entity in August of 1998 between father and son. Many years and a lot of sweat later the facility has quietly built a reputation for having a safe, worry-free environment to keep horses. Rose Court Farms was orginally purchased in 1905 as a tea farm by Swedish emigrants, Otto and Enda Hoffman (pictured at right ) who named the farm Rose Court. It did not take them long to discover that the land would not sustain a tea plantation, at which point most of the acreage was allowed to return to forest. About 20 acres was still farmed or used for pasture until the early 60's, when the grandchild (Earl Browning ) of those Swedish emigrants started a small horse operation. Earl's nephew, Robert Browning (pictured above ) is the 4th generation stewards of the family land and business. The Hoffmans are Robert Brownings great grandparents.