I've walked into many reptile stores before out of curiousity, out of necessity and out of desire to search for the more and more exotic. First of all walking into this store is like walking into some mysterious jungle. Tanks greet you right away as well as the adoreable guy who owns the store(yes he is THE owner and I have never not seen him there;true reptile love). Upon asking the owner about his deisre to own and work with reptiles he answered that he has always been fascinated and his wife would not let him keep so many, so he opened up his own shop. He believes that most reptile problems are from folks not knowing how to set up a proper tank or from vitamin deficiency for the same reason. He is all about helping you in any way he can(he offered to check out my turtle for free, just cause he wants to meet ""him"" and see how his health is. He always bring a grin to my face. Wanna see it for yourself? Go on in for a gander and to meet and greet. You will love this place!
Pros: Owner who is knowledgeable, nerds out on reptiles and is used by the zoo for their exhibits
Cons: If you like the petsmart/petco set up, this is not for you.