up date--- I have had my car 4-weeks only been able to drive it 3 times took it yesterday to have it worked on and here is what I had to add after I bought it if you buy a $35,000 car from Ron at Ron's Classic Car's
so expect to spend more than you pay for your car if you buy one from him
Items I had to buy after the sell myself and have fixed
carburetor, headers that they took a hammer to so they would fit around the oil filter,power steering resivor they bent trying to tighten belt, power disc brake booster not big enough to have brakes to stop,,leaf spring bushings,tranmission gasket ( leaking ), new gas tank- it was leaking-- and still may have a blown head gasket if not craked head-- learn from me watch what you buy-- he's a charmer and a scam artist all in one-- he will get you !!!!! BUYER BEWARE