Cape Cod style house. Return vent was supposed to on second floor at top of stair case. Told me, after the work was done, they could not do that because they could not get any duct work into the attic. Several complaint calls later, because the second floor was an oven while first floor was an ice box, they were able to get several ducts into the attic for more cold air vents but still couldn't put the return vent there. I did the impossible myself in just a few hours and installed a return vent, with the necessary additional ducts, where they were supposed to put it from the start. Total cost $350. So much for trained professionals. Also swore they could not tie the system into my existing thermostat without cutting open the wall to run the wire. Again, did it myself in under an hour without cutting any wall open. Total cost $10 for more thermostat wire. Recently had another A/C company come in to fix the remainder of the problems and found they used insulation and duct tape to fill in where they ran out of flex pipe (flexible duct). They also had several vents installed badly out of level and had to argue with them to get those fixed. I can only describe their installation as terrible and their repairs as putting bandaids on brain tumors. Oh yeah, total cost of second A/C contractor to correct improper installation, over $1000 and theres still more to do.
Filed a better business bureau complaint against them a few weeks ago. Was just notified Ron-Jon wasn't even respectable enough to acknowledge it. BBB is showing complaints against them have gone unanswered in the past too. BBB rating of F. What a surprise.