No amount of damage control can erase what is on the internet about Chris Hampton and Rolling Video Games. You either run your business in an honest way or you don't. Getting Sal to write you a nice review even though you sold one 6 miles from him (Jeff) after that review doesn't make you a nice guy. I also call B.S on your 15 outside of the U.S. 78 owners? That is the only thing you wrote that is true, and I'm sure it is more as of today, but how many are still out there being run by the original owner? How many would give you a good review? How many have your threatened with lawsuites? How many have moved on because your didn't provide the right training and support? Allana W in SC? Graelon B in CA? Dwayne B in FL? (nice axles on that one Chris), Ross F in GA, Stacey B in OK?, weird how none of these folks are on your website. Wait! There's more... Kris P, Ed G in NC (Still have his pic on your website though) Hernan in CA... João Luis Belo? It amazes me that you still sell trailers, but I guess some people don't check online or call more than the couple of phone numbers you give them. Unprofessional is a kind way to describe your business, unethical is closer.