Roger Marcy has been building dream homes and exceptional business spaces in western Michigan for over 10 years. After working for other custom builders doing trim carpentry and framing for 5 years, he decided to go into business for himself. He purchased a 1/2 acre lot with water access and built a story and a half 3 bedroom, 2 bath, open concept home with a loft on speculation. It sold less than two weeks after it was finished. Since then, fifteen more homes and condominiums have been sold on speculation. Building on speculation quickly taught him to find the best value for the highest quality on all products and services. The size of the project never mattered, the quality was always top priority. Because of the standards set for the business, early on his reputation grew and so did the demand for his services. As you see by visiting the portfolio page, many challenging and extraordinary dream homes have been delivered in the past ten years!