I didn't have an issue with the vet itself. They seemed competent and friendly. Where I ran into my issue was with the front desk. Upon failing to give my dog the proper medication ($22), they apologized and offered it "free of charge." Since we were talking about the medicine, that's what I assumed was the subject of conversation. However, about 3 weeks after pickup, I get a voicemail from Jennifer accusing me of lying to within about 15 seconds after I answered the phone. Now, I would have had absolutely no issue whatsoever coming back and settling up if there was some sort of miscommunication. However, what they told me at the office and what I was "accused" of was far from the truth. I was beyond disappointed and frankly shocked to have someone, literally within 15 seconds, call me a liar time and time again. I've tried to ask the owner to call me but I have yet to hear anything. Now that I'm clearly transferring vets, Jennifer says she will not transfer my dog's records because of the incident we had. It was the most unprofessional, absurd interaction I've ever had with anybody in any type of service industry. If she had simply stated the issue and gone about it in a rational manner I would have absolutely been happy to talk to them and tell them my side, let them tell me theirs, and go from there but being called a liar (over and over and over again) as her first reaction was the most pathetic thing I've evert witnessed. I would have used them again but Jennifer's reaction cost them my future business forever...over an apparent $22 mistake that was their (her) fault.