Dr. Maryott and the staff at Rocky Hill Chiropractic Center are committed to helping you achieve your health objectives. This may be as straightforward as getting out of pain or as comprehensive as establishing a take-home 'wellness' program specifically designed for your needs and lifestyle. When you are receiving treatment at Rocky Hill Chiropractic Center with Dr. Maryott you can be assured of three things. You will receive thorough and specific treatment for your complaints. And you will be given a detailed explanation of how and why your problem began. And you will be given instructions on what you can do to fix your condition. Over the last 30 years I have developed a treatment method that integrates myofascial therapy, acupressure and chiropractic. This method not only enables me to reduce pain and dysfunction caused by injury, bad habits and misuse; it also provides an understanding of health that can be used, by you as well as me, in a positive way to increase vitality and enjoyment of life. Let me explain this positive approach to health by the following comparison. From a distance what is most visible about a city are the physical structures of stone, steel and concrete. But when we get close it becomes clear that the life of the city is the traffic. In the same way if we look at ourselves only from the outside we can miss the internal traffic that is what makes us alive. This internal traffic is subtler and more pervasive than the flow of blood and oxygen. To my knowledge the first (and best) description of this most fundamental energy of life was developed in China by philosopher/healers who identified it by the word ‘chi.’ You might better understand what these ancient thinkers were talking about by using the word ‘electricity,’ or ‘bio-electricity.’ What is important is to understand that whether we call it chi or bio-electricity or come up with some other name, this fundamental energy is a current—it flows. And just like the traffic in a city, the flow can become congested. Or it can become reduced to the point that business (and quality of life) suffer. Health for a city is the free, orderly and abundant flow of traffic. Health for you or me is the free, orderly and abundant flow of chi. The flow of traffic in a city is concentrated in the roadways, rail tracks and air lanes. Similarly, in our bodies the flow of chi is concentrated along certain paths or channels. It is in these channels that it can be most easily perceived and influenced. Treatment is my office has three major objectives. The first is to restore and maintain the physical structures (muscle, joint and fascia) through which the major flows of chi travel. ( This is like fixing a pothole. As long as there is a pothole in the road, traffic will slow down and accidents will occur.) Myofascial therapy is particularly good at making these kind of repairs and making injured tissue ‘as good as new.’ The second objective is to maximize the flow of chi. Acupressure and chiropractic are both powerful ways to remove obstructions to the free movement of chi. Chiropractic does this by improving nerve communication and joint mobility. The immediate benefits of acupressure include increased muscle balance, strength and flexibility. The third goal is to reveal to you the normal, healthy internal traffic that determines the quality of your health. By perceiving how the internal energy grid is laid out, you can learn to use your body and care for yourself by making yourself healthier not just less symptomatic. This is done first by paying attention to what you feel when you are being treated and through exercises you will get to practice at home.