This is a great place to spend the afternoon if you have any interest at all in rock and roll. There is something for everyone, from the early days to the fairly current. There are costumes worn by a huge variety of artists. There's a car hanging from the main ceiling, as well as one on display. There are audio displays where you can listen to rock and roll history. There are often traveling displays that stay for short amounts of time, just to keep things fresh. There are several floors to the museum, with each area dedicated to a certain era. There is even a Pink Floyd "Wall" area. You can grab a bite to eat at the small food shop, and pick up souveniers in the gift shop. Parking is extra and is down the block a bit, but you can be dropped off by the front stairs. It doesn't take more than a day to see everything that's inside, but it will take a few hours. This is not a stop in and leave shortly afterwards kind of place.