Office staff is really bad they take forever to return your calls as a matter a fact I always have to call them back or go in the office. Also they screw you up on move out time if you own a pet make sure to vacuum the edges of the carpet because the they charge you and they use a ultra violet light to find pet urine or damage a black light should help you find them if you can clean them up if you have kids and they wrote on the walls use KILZ primer go to Home Depo and they carry it,it's a white primer and it hides the Pen and pencil marks. For almost any tip of spot or stain they charge you like $20-$30 and that's how you end up paying a lot. I got these tips from a friend that works there. I used the tips and I only ended up paying $350 and that's because they found like 8 of the dog's pee stains and for the sealer. Which is not bad (sometimes dogs have accidents and when they are to old they are hard to remove almost impossible). They hate me in the office because I point out all there errors. Another thing I never received a final bill and after only 8 days not 10days as the paper reads when I finally looked at the bill when I went to the office after they called me and told me I had til 12pm to pay them (a two hour notice)or they were going to send me to collections. Also I'm Hispanic and my downstairs neighbors are Americans and we complained about noise and how there Pit bull scared us when he broke the screen door while I was walking with my 1yr old baby and son and they never did anything but when they complained about the noise I got a notice that was going to be kept in my file for too much noise. And if it happened again I was going to get evicted. But a Pit bull can be there and they can make as much noise as they want. There are way more things, I have at least complained 15 times or more. If you are thinking about moving here write down everything on you inspection form write it in another sheet of paper if need too. And take pics or they will screw you trust me.
Cons: everything