I would not suggest subjecting yourself to the staff or medical personnel at this office. Your wait time is horrible. I have had to camp out there at times all day even when I had temp of over 105 and was sick beyond belief. Her staff only cares about collecting gossip with each other and insurance copayments. Doctor Robertson continually tells you about your weight and the South Beach Diet and her ""herbal"" methods of doing things. Her partner Dr. Strader doesn't explain anything to you at all just kind of scares you then walks out and moves on to next patient. I have been patient for many years due to her being so close I have been reluctant to move on because I HATE change, however, I can no longer subject myself to the stress of several hours of wait time to be so frustrated when the doctor comes in and seems confused about why she is seeing me? !? Can't she read the chart?!?
Pros: There are none
Cons: Office Staff, Waiting Room Time, Quality of Care