Mr. Roberts convinced me that my 93 Volvo with 120k on it needed a new engine after it would not crank one evening after leaving a restaurant. He claimed the fuel regulator had failed thus flooding the engine's cylinders and thus ruining the engine. He claimed the engine was seized (although it still cranked) and that the push-rods were bent. I paid him to replace the motor at a tune of $3k cash for a used engine and all was well again. A couple years later I returned the car to him to diagnose a problem the car had idling. It would "surge" from low rpm to high rpm and was quite dangerous to drive as such. He kept the car for over two weeks, and then told me I needed a transmission. I gave the go ahead. I picked up the car, turned the key, and couldn't even leave the parking lot cause the car HAD NOT been fixed. He (literally) was running across the tracks to cash the check I had just written him. He refused to refund my money for his "time" and $2k later and a new transmission the car was still not fixed. I took the car to another mechanic, also a Volvo specialist, who had the car no more than 15 MINUTES before finding a loose vacuum hose under the intake manifold, which was causing the problem. This loose vacuum hose, was rotted and duct tapped together as Mr. Roberts apparently cuts corners and recycles old broken hoses. Years later I find out talking to some one that my car does not even HAVE push rods (as it was an overhead cam engine). Mr. Roberts is an incompetent, THIEF and how he has earned himself and ASE certification is beyond me. AVOID ROBERTS AUTOMOTIVE UNLESS YOU JUST NEED TO REPLACE EVERYTHING UNDER THE HOOD TO FEEL BETTER AND HAVE DEEP POCKETS! I WOULD NOT GIVE HIM ONE STAR.