Well every now and then i have times where i just want STEAK. So my hubby this time took me to Road House. which is known for taking peanut shells and just throwing them on the floor. A nice friendly atmosphere i give it that and some of the waiters are good. BUT this one instance we went something horrible happened.
They are a nice area where you can see through the GLASS wall ( mind you ) and watch the cooks prepare your meal. Well i was watching my steak being done from my nice seat. ( which i picked out just because i could see the cooks.) Anyways,,,,, during the whole meal time i was asking my husband questions (he was a cook for 7 years ) and i asked him things like, SHould he do this?that?over there? etc etc.. Well i noticed the cook decided to go take a break and well he went outside and came back like 5 min later. AND I WATCHED HIM WALK RIGHT BACK INTO THE KITCHEN!!! I was Furious! plus sick to my stomach. Who would want to eat after that? I sure didn't.. So i told the girl when she brought it that she could take it back and i'd tell the manager why. I explained to him that i don't know if the man was feeding the ducks, smoking a cig or went to a Port-a-john!.. Needless to say he asked if they could cook me another steak and i denied them the privilege cause who knows if they will give me the same one back.. We got our meal free and certificates to come back. ( which i gave them to a friend ) and i haven't been back since.. OH and the cooks are supposed to wear gloves, which mine didn't.