I have been seeing Dr Rynes for almost 3 years now.
He is very matter of fact but still very nice and exceptionally competent! He literally keeps me moving. I am only 47 so that's important.
His office staff is fantastic.. Especially his assistant Marie!
Beginning in late 2007 I was in horrible shape. I literally could not move without feeling as though every bone in my body was broken. My PCM ran ANA test, RA test and multiple other tests - all she could say was that I had autoimmune issues but that she couldn't 'diagnose' me so she referred me out and I was sent to Dr Ryne's office in Lakewood. By the day of my appointment he had already determined what was wrong with me by the results of the test that my PCM had done. Turns out I have an autoimmune disease called Mixed Connective Tissue Disease which is basically a name for the fact that I have multiple autoimmune diseases all rolled in to one and there is not one that dominates they just all join together and wreak havoc on my body. I also have Fibromyalgia, Osteoarthritis and oh, surprise, a bit of depression.
Long story short, Dr Ryne's has been treating me and working with me for almost 3 years now and made my 'quality' of life much better. I'll never be 'pain free' but there are days when I feel much less pain. His knowledge and persistence has gotten me on a drug regimen that has slowed the progression of the disease and improved my mobility. I am unable to work due to the unpredictability of how I will feel each day and Dr Ryne's knowledge and understanding of the disease was instrumental in me ultimately being able to finally be awarded SS Disability. That alone will take so much stress off that I will even feel a bit better from that.
I was blessed to be directed to Dr Rynes and I would recommend him 100% if you are in need of a thorough and knowledgeable Rhuematologist!