I visited my mother and was appalled at how the community has deteriorated ! The food is a crime, over cooked slop.. you get better food in a grade school cafeteria! Ever hear of ""deep fried"" liver and onions?? Tapioca pudding that has been scorched... is served anyway... corn bread that resembles a hardtack hockey puck is expected to be excepted as fine dining. The food (if you can call it that) is served with the same finesse as your best food line in your local lock up! the health score is ""85""... that may explain the cockroaches walking across the tables.
When you speak to a manager, you get the run around like at any used car sales lot... or from the other ""dont bother me, I have to much to do"".
There are no activities,, the residents have to fend for themselves... the managers are to busy.. :gotta get your hair done you know""
I will get my mom out of there asap!! her safety is my biggest concern.