A previous reviewer wrote blatently false comments. Rents are set by the State. As for money under the table there are apts. available. In face the complex is offering $350.00 off tenants rent is they recommend a new tenant and they rent. As for maintenance it is not true that there is no maintenance. At time it may be slow responding if not an emergency but overall it is good. I live here and would not live any place else. This is the best complex in the county. We have a pool, tennis, bocci court, putting green, club house, bingo every Friday, monthly luncheons, Xmas party. Once a month management adds to the bingo pot. Anything from gift certificates to money off rent. A group of us have dinner in the club house once a month and you should see how lovely management set the table for us, with flowers, wind glasses etc. There are many instances where management has gone above and beyond in helping residents. Unfortunately, there are some radical people who feel slighted at the least little thing and resort to smear tactics. I can only suggest that people come here and see for themselves all you get for your rent and talk to some of the tenants. You can usually find a group in the club house, play cards or whatever on any given day.
Pros: Many amenities, good management.
Cons: None