Riverbend Group is a full-service Mid-Atlantic executive search and consulting firm, with a primary focus on attorney recruitment and placement (including practice groups) and law firm merger representation and facilitation. The company also often works on projects in other regions of the United States, and occasionally in other countries as well. Riverbend's founder, Paul Heldenbrand, Esquire, has more than 28 years of experience in the executive search business, including in non-legal specialty areas such as commercial real estate and sales and marketing. In 2007, Riverbend Group was selected from among more than 4,000 companies by Goldline Research, a national professional services research and publishing company, as one of "The Ten Most Dependable "Executive Search Firms & Staffing Agencies of the Mid-Atlantic". The list was published in the December 2007 issue of U.S. Airways magazine, and is available upon request.
More information is available on our web site, at www.riverbendgroup.net. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about the scope of our services.