1 star is 100% too much to rate this place.
The other reviewers are spot on about this place, I know and have lived in the hellhole for many years. Thinking about moving to this place? Save yourself some grief and look anywhere else.
This place is NOT child friendly, don't let the word ""Family"" on the sign fool you! They will ""allow"" you to own pets in the mobilehome YOU own, how kind, right? But you may not take that animal outside for a walk, not even to walk them out of the park and to another location.
Not only the management, but the owner of the park, who doesn't even live there, enjoys harassing anyone on the property for any reason they see fit. I have had a friend pull up on the street in front of my home be yelled at in a disrespectful manner for parking in the street for less than 5 minutes while she waited for me to come out to pick me up. Friends of the manager though, they are allowed to park wherever they want for as long as they want.
I have been at the pool with 2 out of 3 of my children and a neighbor's child, just the 4 of us, be told to ""get out of the pool now"" because visitors were not allowed. The manager berated me in front of the children as if I didn't live there and had snuck in, all during swimming season about 5:30 in the afternoon. Yet they do nothing when it is reported that a baby is being taken into the pool in a diaper, which is against the rules.
Maintenance men who were sent to harass us when they first start usually end up being friendly with us and share what a nightmare it is to work with the managers and the owner, before they are replaced yet again. The managers have been replaced more times than I can count in the years I have lived there, I just wonder where the endless supply of crazy people come from and why they are so happy to treat the residents so poorly.
They do harass those that have lived there the longest and seem to be really nice to the newbies who haven't figured it out yet. They try to make residents pay for repairs to the fence that are falling down as if we own it, though we can't do anything else to it. Before they cut down all the trees in the park a few years back, which they charged the residents for whether they wanted them cut or not, they forced residents to trim trees at their own expense or be forced to pay the ""gardening fee"" which they outrageously set themselves based on an amount they thought they good profit from. And they reserve the right to inspect your yard and home at any given time or day with no notice to you, and then demand that you do yardwork within a few hours notice or be subject to the ""gardening fee"", even if it is a weekday on which you left for work at 6am, they posted the notice at 10am, but you won't be home until 6pm.
You are not allowed to do anything to your yard without their approval first and you must submit drawings with a list of the plants you plan to use. They will find something wrong with the plan every time and will deny the use of commonly used plants if they don't know the name, even if your neighbor has the same plant growing. They have a ""thing"" against anything wooden being outside, they will threaten to evict you if you have a wooden planter of any sort. Oh, and no plastic planters, and no black planters, all must be decorated and approved by them.
The latest thing happening at Riverbend are the homeless people that frequent the park. A few residents have made ""friends/drug buddies"" with a few, invited them over, and now they bring all their homeless friends along with their shopping carts, to wander around and make you wonder what will be stolen next....and believe me, they will steal and have stolen anything not locked down. But not all of them steal, some will just go through your trash in the middle of the night and leave you a mess to clean up before the manager comes to write you up again.
Take it from me, don't live here. If I could afford it, I would be gone.