I have lived in River Ridge apartments for over four years in the apartment sections. Soon we moved up to the front part where the condos are. Not only was that a big mistake, I have experienced more issues and problems within two months than about the four years total of living here. There have been big fights including several apartments at once, often involving twenty or more people. There are crowds of young people smoking marijuana in circles out in the open where little children play. The rules state that if you own a dog that it must always be on a leash and you have to pick up the crap. This rarely happens at river ridge. When people don't have their dog on a leash, it runs up to my dog, which in turn gets distracted, and therefore won't ever goto the bathroom. So my dog has to suffer due to other people not following the rules like we have been ever since we lived here. Many people are inconsiderate of others, as they have actually thrown trash in my back area, as well as scre