I tried to pick up my prescription and the pharmacist Nicole said the insurance wouldn't cover it until the next day. That was odd because I had run out of my medication. So I asked Nicole for the number for the insurance company. Nicole told me It didn't matter if the insurance covered it or not because she wasn't releasing the prescription. I was in shock, she obviously hadn't ran it through the insurance and had just lied to me. I went home and called my insurance, they said they would cover it and called her to see what the problem was. She told them it was corporate policy and she wouldn't release it. My insurance provider said it was the first time she ever had a problem like that. So I guess I'll have to go there first thing in the morning to get the medication I'm supposed to take first thing in the morning. I wonder if they'll give me a glass of water and watch me take it too. UNBELIEVABLE!!!