Richfield has a lot of parks to choose from, especially for a small town. Rotary Park is not far from the I-70 interchange, 1/4 mile north up Technology Drive, the only road behind the Taco Bell/KFC, gas station, Comfort Inn and Wendys. If you are traveling up INterstate 70 and are looking for a place to relax or let the kids play for a while, stop and get some food at Wings or the other places, then drive over to Rotary Park -- you can't miss it. There's a nice, updated playground, basketball court and covered eating area.
It is physically right next to I-70 so you couldn't get lost if you wanted to. And if you need a place to rest in your car, you couldn't find a safer town in America. No joke.
But, be sure to use the restroom at the gas station/Wendys -- because the only one at the park is way over by the baseball fields and is often locked. Unbelieveable, I know.