I went into this particular Richdale to get gas to pre-pay which I am able to do at every gas station I have ever been to. The clerk said sorry all transations have to be done at the pump and I said no, I should be able to tell you how much gas I want and pay you with my card swiped through your reader. He said no, can't do that...so I went outside to the pump and SURE ENOUGH it said see attendant. I went back in and told him and he said then we can't do that transaction and I said if I walked in and wanted to pay you for any item in the store I can use my credit card so why can't I use it here? He didn't give me any reason and just said we're not able to do that here. Needless to say, that's not true!!! Any place that accepts credit cards for payment certainly accepts them to pay for gas!!! and not just at the pump!! So now they are one less customer (word of mouth does spread) and I am now a loyal customer of the 66!!!! They were so much friendlier to deal with~