Spinal damage or injury at any age can misalign bones and shift the head off-center. The result is stress on the nervous system, muscle spasm, postural distortion, and spinal decay. Nerves going to all parts of the body can be affected. The NUCCA adjustment uses carefully directed and controlled pressure to restore the head and neck to a balanced and normal position. It should be understood that although the NUCCA adjustment is made at one point, the mechanics involved relieve stress and produce structural realignment throughout the musculoskeletal system. The result is a gentle and painless structural correction that improves the function of the entire spine, skeleton, and nerve system. No forceful "popping" or "twisting" is necessary. By reducing spinal stress/interference to the nervous system, the body is better able to return to health and normal function. Whether you desire relief, improved performance, or optimizing your human potential, we welcome the opportunity to serve you.