Called Sally on Thursday to cancel policy she said new company had to fax a cancellation. Went to new company Friday and they told me that was not true all I had to do was call and cancel with State Farm, but they would fax a letter for me. I signed the letter and watched her fax it. Friday afternoon I called State Farm to make sure they got the fax. Sally said they hadn't and wanted me to come in and go over apples to apples. I said thank you but I'm an intelligent woman and have already made sure I've done this with my new agent before signing up for our new insurance. She says well I really would like you to come in and she kept it up. I told her no thank you, at this point I'm getting upset because your treating me like I'm stupid and you won't cancel my policy I want it cancelled now. So she said she would and hung up!
Today 9-20-11 SF took my monthly premium out. I called Sally and she said once they cancel it corporate has to process it. Then they will send a check in 7-10 days after that. I said this is not right, now my bills are going to bounce. I said thank you so much for the frustration you have now caused me, thank you. And she said no thank you- thank you for being a bi#@* and hung up!!!