The pho here is OK, not the best I've had. They overcharge for small quantities of pho, in comparison to other restaurants. If you go during the peak hours, like 11am-1pm or 6-8pm, expect to wait an hour to be seated. I am not exaggerating; I always have to wait so long to be seated, not to mention to have my order taken. But I'm glad that I became so exasperated with waiting one day that I decided to try another pho place in Lancaster, which turned out to be SO MUCH better. It's called Saigon Cafe in Chelsea Square on Manheim Pike. There is no long wait. The food is so much better and authentic than at Rice & Noodles. You also get more food for the same price. And they also give you free slices of oranges for dessert! I definitely recommend Saigon Cafe to anyone who thinks that Rice & Noodles is the ""best"" pho restaurant in Lancaster. Go there and compare the two like I did, then see for yourself.
Pros: Clean bathroom
Cons: Long wait, overpriced, small quantities of food