I have a small business and got a call and thought my web site could be improved. When I got the initial product, it was nothing like I had hoped for. I was looking for something soft and comfortable. The original site was commercial and way to sleek. It did not capture my brand at all.
Well, after many conversations and obstacles, my webmaster came through with flying colors. She worked out a solution that I felt very good about. She was patient when I was impatient yet she always treated me with respect and professionalism. She understands my business and what I am trying to accomplish. I live in the United States and I can’t believe how someone so far away as New Delhi could understand what I was looking for. And not only does she understand what I need, she’s making it happen through effective solutions.
I went from thinking I made a mistake by going with your company to now knowing I made the absolute right choice -- all because of my webmaster. This woman is worth her weight in gold and is an excellent representative for your company.
I was going to say I hope you have many more like her, but then I realized she is one in a million.