Rhino Linings Corporation is the leader in sprayed-on linings. Since the company's inception in 1988, Rhino Linings Corporation's mission has been to design top-quality SprayCast and RhinoPro equipment and develop proprietary, high performance polyurethane, polyurea and hybrid formulations for commercial, industrial and retail applications. All of Rhino's formulations are 100% solids and environmentally friendly containing no volatile organic compounds and no solvents. Adhering tenaciously to virtually all surfaces, these formulations may be customized to meet specific application requirements.
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19 Years in Business. Unlike other sprayed-on bed liner companies,Rhino Linings has three distinct bed liner products so truck owners can match an application to their specific needs. The bed liner surface dries to the touch in seconds,and is ready for full use in about 24 hours. With a pre-scheduled appointment,a Rhino Linings application takes only a few hours,including bed preparation,masking and spraying.
Rhino HardLine can be applied to consumer and commercial vehicles,heavy equipment and machinery,flooring,loading ramps and more