All good things begin with a smile, and Bernard A. Reusz DDS would like to extend a warm and friendly smiling greeting to our friends and neighbors in Downers Grove and the surrounding communities. At his office, we appreciate the opportunity to continue to serve you after 20 years.We want you to know about our policies and methods of practice because the more you know about us, the better we can serve you. We genuinely hope you come to trust our practice, dental recommendations, and dental conditions and treatments.Our practice is committed to providing affordable, gentle dental care that utilizes the latest technology. The nature of our practice is simple: to assist you in obtaining healthy teeth for a beautiful smile and to improve your health through restful sleep by alleviating snoring and sleep apnea with oral appliances.We also provide:• Convenient hours so you don’t miss work or school• Ample parking close to the building• Convenient location that is adjacent to the Metra train station• Emergency paging service• Convenient payment plansIf you or a member of your family or friends needs our help, we stand ready to serve you. Whether a complete exam and cleaning, treatment for snoring and sleep apnea, full-mouth rehabilitation, or anything in between, we promise to provide you with exceptional care as we bring forth the natural beauty of your smile.If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact us today. We look forward to providing you with the personal care you deserve.