ReTails Thrift Shop is a new thrift shop in North Raleigh that benefits the non-profit organization AnimalKind, which offers low-income folks a voucher for spaying & neutering their pets. Now you can get awesome bargains and help reduce the pet population, as Bob Barker would say. This medium size shop often has big bargains. Because of the higher-end houses nearby, a lot of the donations are pretty nice. We’ve found a number of good bargains there that we couldn’t believe no one had picked up before us. The one drawback is that there is only one dressing room, and the line can get long and get in the way of traffic flow. Parking is good, as it’s in a strip mall. They welcome your donations of good used stuff, and they are always looking for volunteers, so if you’re an animal lover and bargain lover, this might be a good match for you!