We came across Rent a Son maybe a year or two ago. -- Well, two houses ago. In our last house, Rent a Son maintained the lawn. Our needs were simple: mow, edge and blow... with the occasional fertilizing, etc. They were fast, on time, courteous to my kids as they played on the play structure watching them, and their price was great!
We sold that home, and bought one which is VERY overgrown. Now, I love Canzler Tree service (as you may have read) for getting the BIG trees down. We had Rent a Son come out and do an initial clearing (so we could SEE the yard!) .... and they were fantastic! As time went by, we also needed somebody to dig out and haul away nearly two dozen old rhodies on our property. This isn't an easy task ... our yard is terraced into three levels .... the bottom level, housing most of the overgrown shrubbery. And, once the overgrowth was cleaned up, thinned out, and carried away -- we need somebody to maintain it!
Calling Rent a Son!!!
Rent a Son is not only is a local, family business (which, of course I love!), but David Grear (the owner) met with us and gave us the bid. His price was great -- more than fair -- and I really liked the thoroughness of their work from our previous experiences!
As for the maintenance... haha! I think my husband fantasizes about mowing the terraced lawn himself. I'll give him about a month before that honeymoon is over. So, until then, I'll keep Rent a Son's number saved in our phone and the card on the fridge!... :)