I lived in this complex 7.5 years. I was a good tenant. I had to call the Health Dept. several times and they shut down the pool. Twice I had tenants living under me whose fumes from whatever drugs they were doing came up through my bathroom vents and made my apartments smell toxic. Both times I had police out, there were tenants arrested and forced to move. My children were exposed to ongoing domestic violence situation in which a naked bleeding women ran out of her apt and collapsed. I was so glad to get out. Even though my apt was vacant and clean the day I was supposed to be out, Dina the manager sent me to collection for over $500 because she said we returned the key 4 days late. Well, the maintenance man lived directly across from us. He attends my church and chatted with the large group of church men that helped moved my my furniture. He knew the apt was vacant and empty. He also had keys to our apartment, and was allowed access if my children were ever locked out. I had a bad reaction from a flu shot on Oct 27, the first day we began moving which gave me bronchitis and it was all I could do to get it empty and clean on time. I am a single mom. I was down in bed and knew he had no problem with access. I returned the key 3-4 days later, and now I am being sued, my rental history is being ruined for a spare key being a few days late. Such vindictivness because I got out. Having all those years of being a great resident and reporting parties that damaged the complex, only to be turned upon. Be afraid of Dina the manager and Mike the maintenance man. They are desperate for renters and vindictive when you realize you need to get out. I am so glad I got out of that hole.
Pros: close to downtown Chandler
Cons: Management