NOT satisfied by any means. we paid CASH for the set we really wanted to buy, cause we didnt want any interest payments. Well, they had to order ours cause we wanted new and gave us another set for "2 weeks" until the other came... 2 months later, they finally answered our phone call. and said they havent ordered it yet. and noticed that we need to start paying on this furniture we have... that was not the deal, and i was not paying. So i arragned for them to come and get it and that we wanted a discount off our other set or our money back. they said no money back and no discounts they will order it asap. so i called a weke later. and they said that they ordered it but its their gas to go pic it up somehwere near canada... and they dont have the time. So. they said we could go pick it up or call a moving company.. We never got our furniture, we Never got our money back. I suggest NEVER going here