Im a Graphic Design student and Today is my last day of classes....(well it would be if not for a racist socialist teacher causing me to walk out on my speech class and the admin not doing anything about it) and the course director just informed us that we wont be having our portfolio show so the fat medical people can have an eating party. This has been my experience the whole 2 years I have been attending this school. I have been shown that the programs with more students (= more incoming money for the school) are favored and treated better. I have had many problems with professionalism at this school and its just pathetic. I decided to attend here to get a more personalized education and I have to say my art teachers are very good, but the Administration is so shitty and does anything they can to NOT help you; it's just insane how they're still in business. I just think that if anyone is reading this you should know that before you invest $40,000. I think for that amount of money you shouldn't have to listen to your speech teacher telling you how to hustle car salesmen and how his kids do drugs or how he hates gay people....also, the man under the president told me (after the school randomly changed their attendance policy to ensure they collect more money from the state) that if he were my boss he would fire me because my car broke down while my parents were on a cruise and I couldn’t get to school for a few days...even though it was rude and pissed me off, it was kind of funny because I have 2 jobs and both my bosses were understanding of the situation. I could probably write about 5 pages of random unnecessary bullshit I have put up with from this school but I wont for the sake of readability. IF YOU’RE CONSIDERING ATTENDING THIS SCHOOL, DON’T if you want to keep your sanity…just go to a state school and save your money.