RE/MAX Ultimate Professionals is dedicated to providing quality service to people in our community.
Kathy Dames has been ranked No. 1 Realtor in Will County for more than a decade. In 1994, she was the youngest agent to ever be inducted into the Re/Max International Hall of Fame. She is committed to her profession and her clients, and she has experience you can trust.
Options for our clients include:
? Buy or sell
? Rent or lease
? Investment properties
? Financing
? Free market analysis
Other properties in our listings include condominiums, condos, duplexes, estates, model homes, multifamily homes, new construction, retirement communities, and single family homes. As a locally owned business, nothing is more important to us than our clients. We?re fully licensed, bonded, and insured, and references are available upon request.
Check out our listings, and give us a call when you?re ready to discuss your real estate needs. We?re waiting to hear from you!