I used this service and office space for several years but left, first, because they consistently failed to provide services they said they could offer, and second, because of the constant money grabbing at every turn. Faxes and phones did not work such that I lost work because of their technology issues, which they just shrugged their shoulders about. Compared to other offices, they are on the low end of technology (scheduling conference calls, when they could do them, were a huge trouble to get set up). Literally checks for thousands of dollars just didn't show up, or were late by months. I asked for transcriptions to be done, and they were not, and then they tried to blame me for not giving them information that they never requested. I finally had to take my copying back over because no one would ever check to see if the copy was complete, the ink was in the machine, and the pages had script on the back--even when I started giving explicit instructions (which I think is ridiculous to have to do for projects like this). The reason I actually left was the constant bleeding of money. The ""conference room as a vending machine"" concept was a problem--water, cokes, chips and cookies were stocked in your conference room before a meeting without consulting you, and if your client took some (like you would say no)you were charged a very exorbitant price comparable to the airport. Work poorly done, like the copying that had to be redone because no back pages were copied after this had been requested, was charged full price and they looked at you like you were from another planet if you asked to have the stuff that had to be thrown out credited. Staff services were charged for times I thought were longer than did take, or would have taken to perform. I finally left when staff charged me for a large late fee when the payment had been received by them timely, but they didn't get around to opening. When I provided evidence from my bank of when the check was written and mailed timely all they said I should not be using the bank's check payor system because theirs is unreliable. They refused to provide any evidence my check was in fact late, admitted they may have had it, and acknowledged that my payments were always on time. I just didn't like doing business with a company that handles its good and long term customers in a way I considered to be dishonest and takes their money while doing it.\r
When I started looking around at the other office arrangements I was shocked to see how much more I was paying for services. A word to the wise: look around before hiring this organization, be wary of any promises they make you, and keep your hand on your checkbook.\r
Pros: Nice address for your stationery
Cons: Did very little for me other than supply a space