Terrible dentist. He talked me into being a guinea pig for some machine he had bought, which my current (very well respected) dentist says was the completely wrong thing to have done. After replacing a number of fillings with these onlays, my teeth hurt for two years, I went back repeatedly and he never fixed it. Additionally, he screwed up my bite so badly I had developed a click in my jaw. I moved across country and resumed seeing my former dentist and I had to go through all sorts of things to fix my bite (jaw clicking is now gone) and I've had to replace one of the expensive onlays with a crown and get a root canal to finally be out of pain (on a tooth by the way that didn't hurt at all before MacLaughlin touched it). Notice how 'Cosmetic' is so prominently displayed in the name - they are mainly concerned with selling you on expensive cosmetic procedures. The one crown that Dr. MacLaughlin did is the worst looking crown in my mouth - it looks horrible compared to the ones my current dentist has put in (which you can't tell are crowns at all). STAY AWAY!