The people who run the place are reserved and polite; however, the floor ""gives"" as you walk down the corridor. There is an odor of mold, which grows stronger towards the end of the hallway, and they always seem to be working on the pipes, plumbing, etc. The hot water in my room is on the Wrong side, which can make for scalding accidents, until you get used to it. the doors are missing the little ""peep hole"" glass, which means anyone can go by and look into your room. The last time I went, (STG) there was a Roach on my pillow, when I rolled down the cigarret burned covers. The people across the hall NEVER went to bed the Whole Night, with about 40-50 visitors. (Drug Dealers?) They did put and new bed and lamp in my room, and they are very pleasnt people to deal with.