You don't have to be clairvoyant to see that her and her entire family are only out to make a buck. I went in with a few of my friends. We all went into seperate rooms and sat with 3 different sisters. Wouldn't you know it - we all needed to be ""spiritually cleansed"" for an extra fat check (the amount varied depending on how gullible we apparently looked). Some things seemed really easy to believe, but when you sit back and think about it...alot of cues are easy to pick up on - facial expressions will tell them when they are on the right or wrong track...and they know what you do - and don't want to hear. If you can get through this one without them telling you that you are in trouble and they can help you for a few hundred more dollars...congrats. I've seen 5 people get readings at this point...all of them were asked to pay more money.