Re/Max Suburban-Janice Weiner serves the current and potential residents of the Arlington Heights and Chicago, Illinois areas with thorough real estate services. She?s your one-stop source for finding the perfect home for you and/or your family.
Buying a new home is an exciting milestone in life, and sometimes that excitement can blind people from home imperfections or shoddy deals. With Janice, however, you?ll never have to worry about double talk or real estate jargon that forces you into a home that?s not right for you. She?s your trustworthy, straightforward agent whose sole concern is to help you obtain the right home at the right price.
She possesses more than 29 years of experience, which has garnered a solid reputation in the area as an effective real estate agent. The Re/Max Hall of Fame bestowed onto her their Lifetime Achievement award and acceptance into their Platinum Club for her unwavering commitment to her clients and for her impressive career.
Speak with her today to discover all the wonderful home owning solutions she provides.